Simplify Retirement

Small business owners who need to simplify retirement planning start with Wesley Mar.

You're busy running your business. You want your free time to remain free. But at some point, you will have to take some time to plan for retirement.

Don't exhaust yourself trying to do it yourself. Instead, delegate. Turn to Wesley Mar, the advisor providing retirement planning to Sacramento small business owners.

Finding practical financial strategies

Have you saved enough for retirement? Will you have enough income to live as well as you do now? What could you do to reduce or defer taxes? Have you really seen all of your financial options?

Having helped so many local business owners, Wesley is familiar with the types of issues you may face. He has seen and solved them again and again, and he can use his knowledge and perspective to assist you.

With a teacher's gift for explaining things, Wesley can help you clearly understand what seems obscure. You will always make the decisions; he provides the insight to help you make the right ones.

Planning to get the job done

What is objectivity worth? In retirement planning, it is priceless. A second set of eyes can see what may have been overlooked - routes around income tax or capital gains tax hurdles, risks to business and personal wealth that need to be controlled.

Retirement planning is not an event, but an ongoing process to see that you are living a comfortable lifestyle.

Whether you need to revisit or adjust the planning you have done or need a new plan for new circumstances, you should talk to a financial advisor who devotes his business to the business owner. Wesley Mar can help you, and you may contact him today.